Sunday, September 27, 2015

Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2015

Surprise of all surprises, Fascinating Flowers is qualified to be one of the Top Emerging Influential Blogs in the Philippines for this year.


A number of my blogging peers are just amazed and surprised to see papaleng running a 'flower' blog. They even send me private messages asking, "how on earth, have I picked such niche for a blog". Even I at the start was too hesitant to go on with this writing project. But, deep in my mind, I told myself to go for it. I have three good reasons that help Fascinating flowers a reality. One, I am that good in expressing my thoughts through writing. And secondly, I am a Nature lover and I easily fall in love seeing beautiful and colourful flowers. Third, growing old offers one 2 great hobbies: having a cat/dog as your companion or busying yourself tending a backyard garden.

Since, I can't have all those gorgeous flowers planted in my garden, I content myself reading flower-related articles and spending hours simply watching photos of them. I find this endeavour so rewarding, thus I deemed my experiences be shared through social media forum. From a few close friends, Fascinating flowers is now reaching more audiences -- old and young alike.

Aside from Fascinating Flowers being qualified, I am also giving out my other choices for the Emerging Influential Blogs of 2015.

Garbage Pollution and Environment -- I am an advocate for Clean Air and I posted articles in this blog very helpful.

LoverBoyz Avenue -- I find the blog title so cute.. And yes I fancy cars so I think this blog will do go in the future. find this blog

Chef Jay's Kitchen -- It is so obvious on why I pick this blog. I am a foodie lover.

Manila Concert Junkies -- the blog offers love and relationship issues explain it such easy to understand format. Taglish pa ang wordings. my wife pick this one. She find the blog's post of good use to her. Welcome to the Woman's World.

Dugout Philippines -- Yes! Sports news roll into one page. That's suits me well.

Nice Things Philippines -- Since time is not on my side when it comes to Travel, Contenting myself on a virtual travel tour of the Philippines finest is a good alternative.

The Bag Investigator -- another good choice by my wife. Just like a typical Pinay housewife, she digs bags and the likes.

Doctor Eamer's Blog-- This is one Tagalog blog that will generate noise in the future. Ang cute ng mga topic.


Sponsors to the writing project:

Digital Influencers Marketing Summit
Certified E-Commerce Specialist, Entrepreneur, and Professional Program
Alfox Printing Services
One Network ECommerce

Friday, September 25, 2015

10 Striking Green Flowers -- Perfect Addition to Your Garden

Green flowers for your garden. Why not? There are some green flowers that are easy to grow for the average gardener. Other need diligent care to grow. A few are not flowers at all, but large green bracts that resemble blooms. Check out the list to learn more about these striking green flowers.

Green Cymbidium Orchid

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Cymbidium orchids are prized for their long-lasting sprays of flowers, used especially as cut flowers or for corsages. There are two main types of cymbidiums - standards and miniatures. Cymbidium also appears in a cascading form with small flowers blooming on long pendulous spikes. These orchids come in various colors, including shades of green from pale yellowish green to dark green. Several species and hybrid cultivars of Cymbidium orchid can produce up to 30 dazzling flowers on a single spike.

Green Chrysanthemum

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Chrysanthemums are popular Fall flowers that make for long lasting cut flowers. Most green chrysanthemums are grown commercially. Chrysanthemum 'Feeling Green' is one good example of green chrysanthemum. This variety has a pompom flowerhead with tightly packed petals. It produces small, apple green blooms.

Hydrangea Mini Limelight

This is a new dwarf form of the popular Limelight Hydrangea. Just 3 to 5 feet high and wide, Mini Limelight is ideal for containers. The flowers appear in summer, a pleasing shade of lime-green, then turn vintage shades of pink in autumn.

Bells of Ireland

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Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis) is highly prized for bouquets, so it's a perfect addition to your garden. It produces bell-shaped blooms in late Summer that are arranged vertically on a stalk, along with luscious pale to emerald green leaves. The gorgeous, slightly fragrant green "flowers" are actually calyxes surrounding tiny white blooms.

Corsican Hellebore

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Corsican Hellebore (Helleborus argutifolius) is a lovely evergreen perennial with stout green stems reaching 90 cm-1.2 m (3-4 ft). Each leaf is divided into three leaflets where leaf margins are coarsely spined. It blooms in late winter, with clusters of apple-green cup shaped flowers appear hanging below three leaflets.

Green Carnation

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Most carnations in florist shops have been dyed. But there are several varieties of natural green carnation that are grown commercially. Green Carnation 'Prado' is one of them. 'Prado' is a robust perennial with pale yellow, double flowers 10cm across, strongly clove-scented, produced throughout the year.

Clematis florida Alba plena

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Clematis florida Alba plena is a very special species of clematis. This beautiful double flowered variety of clematis has pale-green rosette-like blooms that turn to pure creamy white as they mature. Flowers are of 8-10 cm across with white tepals arranged in a very regular rosette pattern.

‘GREEN STAR’ Gladiolus

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The 'Green Star' Gladiolus is a beautiful green flower that is easy to grow. This striking gladiolus cultivar has very large, showy flowers the color of lime sherbet. With their tall, sturdy stems and unusual colouring, these magnificent gladioli are traditional favorites for adding vertical elements to flower arrangements.

‘Zinnia - Jade

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Zinnias are charming, old fashioned annuals that are easily grown from seed. Most species have upright stems, but some have spreading stems. The flowers come in various appearances, from a single row of petals, to a dome shape. Likewise, Zinnias come in different colors including white, chartreuse, yellow, orange, red, purple, and green. Notable green cultivars include Giant Lime, Jade, and Tequila Lime.

Green Rose

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'Rosa chinensis Viridiflora' is the only genuine green rose in existence. The Green Rose (Rosa chinensis viridiflora) is a natural mutation of a Chinese rose producing what appears to be small, spikey roses. The strange blooms are made up entirely of sepals rather than petals. A small bloom is surrounded by bluish green sepals that take on a bronze tone after opening.