Sunday, December 28, 2014

Flowers of Spring

A list of some popular spring flowers.

Flowers have always been a medium of expression and luckily Mather Nature has given us thousands of flower varieties. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors as well as fragrance. Also, they bloom all-year round (summer, spring or fall). Below is a list of some popular Spring flowers. Read on and enjoy.


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A rose is a group of erect shrubs or vines that comprises the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species of them, with most species native to Asia. Rose comes in different colors and with one distinctive feature…its thorns. Known for its beauty and fragrance, rose plants come in variety of size such as miniature roses, compact roses to a vine that can grow up to 7 meters high. Due to hybridization, new species are now widespread around the world.

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Lilac (Syringa) is a small tree or a deciduous shrub of about 20–25 species comprising the olive family Oleaceae. Lilacs are widespread in eastern Asia to southeastern Europe. Lilac plants can grow up 10 m tall, with stems reaching up to 30 cm in diameter and with simple or heart-shaped leaves. Flowers bloom in spring that come in variety of colors from light purple, white, pink, to pale yellow. Also, lilac plants range in sizes from a one foot shrub to a 20 ft high tree.


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Jasmine is a genus of vines and flowery shrubs comprising the olive family Oleaceae. Jasmine plants grow in tropical and warm temperate regions specially in Mediterranean countries. There are about 200 known species of this evergreen or deciduous plant. Most species bear white flowers but there are yellow flowered species. Jasmine has green long twigs, shiny and tubular leaves, and clusters of waxy-white fragrant flowers.


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Peony or peony is a flowering plant in the family Paeoniaceae. These herbaceous perennial plants are local to Asia, North America and southern Europe. There are about 40 known species of peony that can grow up to 1.5 m tall. Peony plants have deeply lobed compound leaves, and large flowers that come in variety of colors from white, pink, yellow or red. The flowers bloom in late spring and early summer.


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Amaryllis or Belladonna Lily is a bulbous plant that is native to South Africa. Each bulb produces up to two leafless stems, and at the top of each stem is each a cluster of 2 to 12 funnel-shaped flowers. The large flower (about 6-10 cm diameter) comes in a variety of colors such as white, pink, purple, red, and orange. Also, there are several striped and multicolored varieties.

Cherry Blossom

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A Cherry Blossom is the flower of cherry trees that are native to many East Asian countries including Japan, Korea, China. Japan. One of the most beautiful flowers with more than 200 cultivars found, cherry blossoms come in bright colors. The large flowers are almost pure white, with rich pink petals.


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Daffodils fall under the genus Narcissus with about 50 species known and thousands of hybrids. Daffodils are native Europe, Asia and North Africa. Daffodil flowers have a trumpet-shaped corona at the center surrounded by a ring of petals. Typically, daffodils come in golden yellow. Daffodils range in sizes from a half-inch flowers on 2-inch stems to a 2 feet tall with 5-inch blooms. Daffodils often bloom in clusters.


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Dahlia is a genus of tuberous, perennial plants in the family Asteraceaegenus with about 36 listed species and thousands of cultivated hybrid varieties. This bushy plant is native to Mexico, Columbia and Central America. A national flower of Mexico, dahlia plants grow from 30 cm to 2.4 m tall. Most species have toothed or cut leaves. Flowers vary in size from a 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter and come in different colors such as red, white, pink, magenta, yellow, picotee.

Wax Flower

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Wax Flower (Chamaelaucium uncinatum) is a slow-growing, evergreen plant that belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It can grow up to 12 feet tall and produces blooms in spring and summer. The bloom is ovate-shaped about 2-3.5″ in diameter with hanging clusters of fragrant star-shaped white to light pink waxy flowers.


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Hyacinth is a genus of bulbous flowering plants in the family Hyacinthaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region, Turkmenistan, and west Iran. There are about 39 known species of hyacinth. The plant has fleshy, glossy green, strap-shaped leaves. The bulb produces a 15-30 cm tall compact spike of flowers. Flowers are bell-shaped flowers that come in tints of white, yellow, pink, peach, red, blue, orange, and purple.


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A tulip is a hardy spring-blooming bulbous plant in the family Liliaceae. There are 109 known species that is native to Asia, southern Europe, and North Africa. Generally, the plant has 2 to 6 leaves and varieties range in height form short to very tall that can grow from 10 to 70 centimeters in height. Tulips bear colorful cup-shaped flowers with a typical three petals and three sepals pattern. Flowers can be double or single, perfumed or non-scented and come in all colors except blue.


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Lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis) is a perennial flowering plant in the genus Convallaria in the family Ruscaceae native to cooler regions of Asia and Europe. This woodland plant grows rapidly spreads through underground rhizomes. Pips (dormant stems) are formed in summer. The stems can reach 15-30 cm tall with leaves reaching 10-25 cm long. Flowers are sweetly scented, bell-shaped about 5–10 mm in diameter with white tepals.

Sweet Pea

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Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is an annual climbing plant in the family Fabaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region. This flowering plant can reach 1-2 m in height. The flowers come in variety of colors like white, pink, purple, red, purple, and near blue.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Unique Green Rose!

A compact description of a Green rose – a unique rose variety.

As the saying goes “A rose has a special place in a woman’s heart”, so what do roses have that led many to this strange fascination. Is it the various shades that symbolize different emotions or the unique fragrance some varieties proudly emit? No matter what the reason is, Green rose will perhaps never make it to the “Most sought-after rose” list. Why? Read on to know the reasons.

Green Rose

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Green rose (Rosa chinensis viridiflora) or commonly referred to as the “China rose”, is perhaps the oddest rose which exist on earth. What makes it an odd kind of rose is its bloom – having leaves as petals!

The sepals resemble leaves that cover the rose buds, thus, protecting them before opening. The two-inch apple green bloom is borne in small clusters with a spicy, peppery fragrance.

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Most rose experts say that this rose variety has been in cultivation since 1743. It became more popular when it was first put on sale in 1856, at the Paris Exposition Universelle. Green rose is asexual - the blooms have no stamens or stigmas, therefore, it cannot be hybridize.

Though rarely seen in nature, Green rose is a beautiful sight to behold and has typically symbolizes fertility, peace, and harmony.

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Flower Calendar

Did you know that like birthstones and zodiac signs, there is also a birth flower for each month. These birth flowers are distinctive and have their meanings. Below is a short description of the birth flowers and their meanings.


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The carnation is the January birth flower. The plant traces its roots to Asia were it was cultivated for more than 2,000 years. The carnation is a tall flower growing one to three feet high. The carnation plant usually has many lightly smelling sweet blossoms. The word carnation is derived from the Greek words that mean “flower of the gods.” Carnations may symbolize pride, admiration, beauty, gratitude and love. A white carnation has the flower meaning of friendship, red carnation for love, a pink one romance, yellow for disdain, striped carnation for refusal, purple carnations indicate capriciousness and green carnations are for St. Patrick’s Day. On Mother’s Day wear a red or pink carnation if your mother is still alive, or a white one to remember a mother that has passed on.


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The February birth flower is the Iris. These perennial herb with hundreds of species are found in the north temperate zone. This flowering plant got its name from the Greek word iris meaning ‘rainbow’. Since February is a month of romance, Iris fits well with the occasion. Irises stand for peace of mind, Faith, Friendship, Hope, Valor and Wisdom. The iris comes a few colors including cool blue and snowy white.


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The birth flower for March is daffodil. Daffodils belong to the genus Narcissus. Daffodils grow perennially from bulbs. Most daffodils look yellow, but may come in other colors such as: pink, yellow-and-orange, yellow-and-white, white-and-orange and the rare lime-green. Daffodils represent rebirth, bravery, respect, modesty and unrequited love. It got its name from the word “affodell”, a variant of asphodel.


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The April birth flower is the daisy. There are many varieties of daisy but the most favorite one is the Gerbera Daisy , native to South Africa. It is perfect for any occasion as it is cheerful and playful. Daisies are associated with innocence and are thought to bring good fortune and heavenly pleasure. No flower emits such joy and light as the daisy. The fresh look of the daisy looks great in any location of your house.


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The May birth flower is the Lily. A summer flowering plant, lilies are large, fragrant showy flowers with six petals that may come in different colors such as: white, yellow, reds and sometimes have markings. Lilies are native to the northern temperate regions. The flower symbolizes: beauty, sweetness, humility, purity and chastity. Tiger lily represents wealth and pride.


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The rose is the June birth flower. Roses might be the most recognizable flower around the world and no other flower expresses love and passion like the rose. Roses comes in different colors, each with a different symbolic meaning. Red roses meant love, pink roses mean grace, admiration, sympathy; while dark pink means gratitude. White roses symbolize purity, innocence, reverence, secrecy and humility. A yellow rose represents platonic love or dying love though in some German speaking countries it symbolizes infidelity and jealousy. Yellow with red tips means friendship or falling in love. Burgandy roses mean beauty. Green roses mean calm. Blue roses mean mystery. Purple roses mean protection.


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The larkspur is the July birth flower. It is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Larkspur are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and some parts of Africa. The main flowering stem is erect, and varies greatly in size from 10 cm up to 2 m tall; it is topped by many flowers. It is poisonous to livestock. Larkspur can come in orange and blue colors. It symbolizes valor, thoughtfulness.


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The August birth flower is the Gladiola. The plant derived its name from the Latin word gladius ‘a sword’. Out of the 260 known species, 250 are native to South Africa and the rest are found in Eurasia. It may come in different sizes: from very small to the magnificent giant flower. The flower can be pink, white to cream, reddish or light purple with white markings or orange to red. Gladiola symbolizes represents vigor and moral integrity.


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The September birth flower is the Aster. Belonging in the Asteraceae, there are 600 extant species of aster. The plant’s name is derived from the Greek word “star”, and refer to the star-like appearance of its flower head. In medieval times, many believed that aster plants possess magical powers including driving away evil spirits. Today, aster is known as an amulet of love and an lasting symbol of elegance. Aster also symbolizes Faith, Light, Afterthought, Valor and Wisdom.


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The October birth flower is the marigold. With a genus of around 20 species, Marigold is found throughout Europe, the United States and western Asia. The leaves which are usually hairy are 5-18 cm long and the flower heads are 3-7 cm across. The Marigold’s flower meaning is “winning grace” and is sometimes called “summer bride” because it’s flower head follows the sun. Marigold symbolizes affection and grace.


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The November flower is the Chrysanthemum, also known as the mum. A flowering perennial plant, the plant is cultivated in China as far back as the 15th century. The flowers may come in different forms such as: daisy-like, buttons, decorative or pompons. This flower can be red, white or yellow. The chrysanthemum symbolizes compassion, cheerfulness, optimism, friendship, optimism, secret love, wealth or rest. Red chrysanthemum means love. Yellow means secret love and white symbolizes truth.


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The December birth flower is the Poinsettia, which is associated with Christmas time. The plant which can grow up to 16 feet is native to southern Mexico and Central America. It is often used as Christmas decors because of its festive colors. Poinsettia symbolizes celebration, good cheer and success which is a fitting tribute to December’s festive celebrations.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Mystical Black Flowers

These flowers may not be black at all but still they present a black image.

The term “black flowers” usually refer to flowers that have dark blooms. Looking closely, you could find that these black flowers are such a deep purple or at times brownish in color that they just appear black. Black flowers do present an aura of magic and mysticism that catch the eyes attention and fancy. Below are photos of black flowers. these black flowers project “an atmosphere of mysterious magnificence.”

Black Tulips

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The Black Tulip commonly called the Queen of the Night belongs to the genus Tulipa that has over a hundred species of bulbous flowering plants. The Queen of the Night tulip has large, velvety, deep cocoa-purple flowers on tall stems. Black tulips appear nearly jet-black at early dawn and before dusk. A good addition to your garden, it adds aura of midnight moonlight and a great attraction in the midday sunshine flashing its deep purple color and delicious scent.

Black Iris

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Black Iris (Iris chrysographes) is a species of the genus Iris that is originally a native flowering plant to China and Myanmar. Black Iris are mostly found growing near streams, meadows and hillsides. A reddish to almost velvety black about 6-9 cm. in diameter that usually blooms in June and July. One popular species of Black Iris is the Iris nigricans which is the national flower of Jordan. (see photo below).

Black or Chocolate Cosmos

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It is a sun loving plant that is a native of Mexico. When in full bloom, Chocolate cosmos appear like candy kisses on a stick and fills the garden with its vanilla with a touch of chocolate scent.

Black Lily or Bat Lily

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It is native to Thailand, Myanmar, Northern India and in some Indonesian islands. Bat Lily are sometimes called “Cats Whiskers” for its flower exhibit a whiskers-like appearance. If you happened to see one, be sure to enjoy its bloom for it will only last for a couple of days.

Black Morning Glory

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This plant is a climbing vine that could grow up to 10 ft. and prefers full sun. Morning Glory Kniola’s black blooms from July to October and has a deep velvety flower.

Geranium Phaeum

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Although not a very attractive plant, Geranium phaeum makes it up for its almost erect stem and almost black flowers. A nice plant to grow under trees for its ability to grow in dry shade. The plant blooms from May to June and its flower can grow up to 80 cm. with a 45 cm. spread.

Pincushion Flower Scabiosa Atropurpurea ‘Ace of Spades’

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A plant that is easy to grow and can reach a height of 36 inches, Ace of Spades are always target of butterflies and bees. This long flowering plant loves sun and blooms from June to August and shows a double, dark raspberry purple flower and exhibit a sweet scent.

Black Bacarra Rose

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A new species that was introduced to florist trade in 2001, Black Baccara Rose is a small beautiful flower but has no fragrance. It is truly unique for it owns a velvety petal, and before the bloom opens it project a deep shade of burgundy. As the flower blooms its edges still maintains the blackish color.

Black Hollyhocks

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Black Hollyhock usually grows in full sun and soil that are not too wet. A dark-red flower is a big single flower that usually blooms in June and July.

Buddleja Davidii ‘Black Knight’ – Butterfly Bush

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‘Black Knight’ is a popular cultivar of butterfly bush that features almost black flowers. This deciduous shrub can grow up to 8 feet if not properly trimmed. Black Knight Butterfly bush has the deepest of all purple flowers that attracts butterflies and bees. Its fragrant flowers blooms from June to September.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Roses: What Color Should I Pick?

The feelings and emotions a rose color symbolizes.

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Love, romance and passion
Red roses symbolize these emotions
To show admiration for the beauty she possesses
Give her Burgundy colored roses

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Admiration and appreciation
Pink roses match these sensations
Light pink ones for gentle feelings of love
And if this feeling goes stronger, go for the darker shade.

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A Peach rose flashes simple elegance and breathe-taking beauty
Its bloom expresses appreciation, admiration or sympathy.
The pale peach color speaks of demureness, innocence and purity
This rose so delicate and dainty, also exemplifies a bashful modesty.

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And what rose color symbolizes friendship?
Nothing else but yellow!
But if you’re falling in love for this lass
Yellow with red tips will make her glow.

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Purity, innocence and honor
White is the perfect rose color.
Orange roses stand for fervor and yearning.
Orange colored roses emit a warm loving feeling.

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Purple roses are a symbol of enchantment.
Softly colored, purple roses symbolize love at first sight.
And this very special Day, what should I send?
Any of the above will sure bring delight.